Scholarships are awarded annually to graduating high school seniors who are actively involved with square dance related activities and plan to further their education. High school seniors must have danced two years prior to the scholarship application process in February of the year in which they graduate. Letters of recommendation on behalf of graduating teens are accepted from any square dance official. To view or download the scholarship application, click here.

In 1981, Mildred Monk, along with the Monk family and friends, awarded three scholarships to square dancing teens in memory of her late husband, Frank Monk. The family continued to award scholarships each year until August 1984 when the TSFSRD delegates voted to assume responsibility for the scholarships and changed the name to The Frank and Mildred Monk Scholarship Fund.
In 1992, TSFSRD delegates once again voted to change the name of the scholarship fund to its current identity. The delegates also voted to have the fund incorporated, and to obtain a tax free status allowing tax deductible donations. Although the fund is administered by the TSFSRD, it is a separate entity with its own tax status, bank accounts and by-laws.